Update: I am re branding myself. From stories to images, I am getting rid of everything that is no longer being written on or important to me. This being so, is there any books on this account that you all would like to see written or kept around? Anything that you would like to see but made in my own name and my own characters. If so, I will be happy to keep and/or rewrite them.

@gacorrupt ahh thx for telling me and I do hope you can continue it if not it's ok

@Cale-sama I was planning on him starting a new life and becoming a hero with tons of friends and being reunited with his mom. I am not going to finish the book probably so that's what I had written down for the book planning.

@gacorrupt I wanna ask if you are still going to continue the book"escaping from his arms" as much as I don't like the ship(I don't hate it either)I really wanna know how it will endor what will happen next