
          	Did not expect my little story to get as much traction as it did. Well, thanks I guess. Yes I know I have been gone for a long time, and there is good reason. But that does not matter. What matters is that I've returned, and although I'm not making any promises, I will do right by my followers and continue to right.


          Did not expect my little story to get as much traction as it did. Well, thanks I guess. Yes I know I have been gone for a long time, and there is good reason. But that does not matter. What matters is that I've returned, and although I'm not making any promises, I will do right by my followers and continue to right.


Of course I would recommend you see my favorite anime but I don't really know what your taste is. If you like Death Note, try Psycho Pass. They are both dark, psychological thrillers with great plots. 
          If you liked His and Her Circumstances I would try Lovely Complex. I haven't seen either of them, but they seem similar enough.


hello~ Ruko here ^_^V thank you for following me *bows* omyholyromanempire! asdfghjklasdfghjkl you're a hetalian? *O* and you also love SnK and K wahhhh!! *hugs*


haha yeah I love chitanda and utapri is a huge guilty pleasure


*hugging* ohmygod.wahhh!! you love the animes I love *Q* specially Hyouka and Utapri >//3//> ((cosplayed Chitanda)) wahhh!! I LOVE YOUUUUU~!


*hugs back* no problem ruko. you've got good taste in anime and yes, I may or may not absolutly love hetalia