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Fucking tea!!! Omg I was in gym and this guy let’s call him Bob was annoying my friend, let’s call her Lucy. Lucy was not having a good day already and Bob kept picking on her lick her always does. Now Lucy is a strong girl and can handle her shit. So when we all went outside Bob hit Lucy upside the head with a tissue box. Idfk why but he did. So she turned around and punched his side. This dumb shank, punched her in the face!! WHO IN THE HELL DOES THAT?!! So she like body slammed his ass and they both got up and started throwing punches. The teacher didn’t notice and when someone told them, they took Bob to the office and Lucy had a damn bruise on her check already. And they both suspended for Three days. Anyways Bob that dumb shuck hit her and I and others are fucking pissed. If any guy or girl ever punched you in the face you fucking tell someone and if you in a relationship with them you fucking leave them! Right away!!