
Women don’t have to push out children every nine months for years and years to be good role models! Saying Taylor is a bad role model and saying it's because of her not having kids at 34 is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. It’s genuinely infuriating. Some women want kids, others don’t want any at all and either one is perfectly okay and shouldn’t bother anyone to this extent. Writing an article about it with that kind of headline is absurd and disgusting.
          	It’s not your body or your life. The decision to have a family is Taylor’s to make (as well as her partner’s, whether that’s Travis or someone else!) but it doesn’t concern anyone else. I genuinely despise people who think having kids is all women are good for and that a “good woman” should be having kids as much as humanly possible. It’s so upsetting and such BS


@gayforddlovato THIS! ALLLLLL OF THIS! I'm almost 27, and I don't have kids! I got my tubes tied back in Mar. 2022, and I'm just happy being an Auntie to my nieces and nephews, and being a Cat Momma. I love Taylor with all my heart, and do I want her to have kids? Yes, but when she's ready to. People need to realize that she can't put on everything on hold just to have a child. Ridiculous.


@gayforddlovato atl they're just trying to make Tay look bad cuz they jealous that they're so old but isn't even a quarter as good or kind or famous as her


@gayforddlovato ‼️‼️‼️‼️


Women don’t have to push out children every nine months for years and years to be good role models! Saying Taylor is a bad role model and saying it's because of her not having kids at 34 is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. It’s genuinely infuriating. Some women want kids, others don’t want any at all and either one is perfectly okay and shouldn’t bother anyone to this extent. Writing an article about it with that kind of headline is absurd and disgusting.
          It’s not your body or your life. The decision to have a family is Taylor’s to make (as well as her partner’s, whether that’s Travis or someone else!) but it doesn’t concern anyone else. I genuinely despise people who think having kids is all women are good for and that a “good woman” should be having kids as much as humanly possible. It’s so upsetting and such BS


@gayforddlovato THIS! ALLLLLL OF THIS! I'm almost 27, and I don't have kids! I got my tubes tied back in Mar. 2022, and I'm just happy being an Auntie to my nieces and nephews, and being a Cat Momma. I love Taylor with all my heart, and do I want her to have kids? Yes, but when she's ready to. People need to realize that she can't put on everything on hold just to have a child. Ridiculous.


@gayforddlovato atl they're just trying to make Tay look bad cuz they jealous that they're so old but isn't even a quarter as good or kind or famous as her


@gayforddlovato ‼️‼️‼️‼️


It’s so funny to me that everyone was so convinced reputation tv would be announced tonight but Taylor chose to play you’re on your own kid AGAIN instead


i was clowning after the man jacket :)


@hayleysblood I’m not saying anything bad about anyone who has fun with easter eggs and hints and stuff. Overall I think it’s pretty harmless. But *some* people do take it too far. However, I wasn’t directing this at anyone in particular. I’ve had moments when I’ve been sure she’d announce rep and debut tv. I just thought it was kinda funny because it’s just so Taylor to do something like that. Also I know why she performed yoyok again tonight so I’m not trying to mock anyone or anything. Just thought it was so Taylor to make it seem like one thing is going to happen only to do something so different and unexpected 


@gayforddlovato i honestly only thought of it bcs everything was adding up. or atleast she was making it seem like so


Hi girlie! ❤❤❤ How you doin' babes? I hope you are doing the bestest cause you are the bestest. If you don't mind, I was wondering if I could request an imagine for your Fiona Dourif book where your daughter takes her first steps and walks over to her dad. And if it's not too much, I would also like to request an imagine for Lee Know where you're nervous to meet his parents because of your large amount and large tattoos. Of course, take your time. Thanks so much ❤


Sorry I haven’t updated today! My dad came out to visit me since I moved and was having a hard time adjusting to being away from him :( so I’ve been spending the day and night with him and it was truly needed because I am feeling so much better mentally and emotionally. I promise to try and update for you all tomorrow. I hope you’ve had a good day and that you’re all doing well. Love you all ❤️


@gayforddlovato no need to apologise❤️


that's so good!! love you!! ❤️❤️


that's good!!! love you <333


Ok ever since you said you will try to do a xochitl gomez book. I keep getting so excited I have sooo many ideas. Most of them you done before.( I think)
          * reader fell asleep on xochitl lap
          *reader visits xochitl on set
          *talked about the future together 
          *wiping her kisses Prank
          Btw I am sorry that I keep giving xochitl requests even tho it's not out yet and I don't want to stress you out and put pressure on you. I just love xochitl soo much and there are barely any books of her. I love you and your writing. Ok I will stop now❤️❤️❤️


Authornim how are you doing? :D
          I literally did my assignments whenever I have time, even when eating sometimes, and in just a week I finished two reports! Am I cool? HAHAHAHAHAHA
          And now only one essay and one report left… *sighs dramatically*
          My back hurts due to sitting at the same position for hours, my eyes are sore due to looking at screen for a veryyyyy long time, and Idk why I feel lightheaded all the time these days probably because I’m too tired hehe
          So I’m gonna rest and do anything relaxing first this weekend before I start “ruining my body again” starting from next Monday… :)))))
          Anw how about you authornim? 


Kaylee, it's been a while. I know the request that I wrote you on the messages before got deleted after the update on wattpad, I don't know if you still have it saved. Yet, I would like to make a request for you. Can you do an imagine where y/n and Dua are at The Eras Tour concert, and y/n gets a kinda touchy with her concentrated during vigilante sh!t, and at the end she ends up biting dua softly which later gets into a state of panic and blushing about what to do with the mark on her and they find it funny.