I'm a fun-loving shy girl. 
Nature lover
Likes Reading, food and music🍝🎶📖
A Nicholas Sparks fan!!!!!📚
Love pets🐕
Dramoine fan💕💓

J.K.Rowling is my role model and inspiration for writing🖋📓

You will start writing when a story inside you doesn't want to stay inside any longer #longingtowrite#❤

You must write what you would want to read, not what others would like to read. #loveforwriting#💕

You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. So love yourself❤

Life is short. Live life to the fullest without any regrets.

If you are following me, please do check out these people too.

My BFF at wattpad: @Bellgirl93
Please check out her books guys, they are amazing, quite different but if you get the hang of it, I am sure you'd love it.

My real life bro: @SamLucario
Check out his book too. He is also one hell of a writer. Proud of you bro!!!

My real life cousin:@tHeOpTiMiSt123
Check out her books too guys!!!

I'm sure you won't regret reading any of these people's works.. They are really doing a good job..

My favorite person on wattpad: @__maahiii

My other friends, whose work I hope you will come to love.

My favorite writers:

Read my work:
The Lost Prophecy (ONGOING)
The Eternal Valentine (ONGOING)
Mystic in the woods (July 2017)
  • In the world I created for myself
  • JoinedMay 24, 2015

Last Message
geekglassedgirl geekglassedgirl Jul 27, 2017 10:53AM
Hello my dear lovely readers. I know it has been a long time since I wrote. But please do check out my new book "Mystic In the Woods".  I hope you guys will love it and support me through it. Love ya...
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