
Please tell me I am not the only one who has not updated the app because they hate change.
          	Sorry I have been away so long. College has truly sucked the creativity out of me. I intend to finish every story I have started. When that will be I do not know but, I promise every story will come to an end.
          	Also thanks to everyone that has been liking and reading my stories while I have been on hiatus. I see you and love you✨


Please tell me I am not the only one who has not updated the app because they hate change.
          Sorry I have been away so long. College has truly sucked the creativity out of me. I intend to finish every story I have started. When that will be I do not know but, I promise every story will come to an end.
          Also thanks to everyone that has been liking and reading my stories while I have been on hiatus. I see you and love you✨


Gonna start doing Fanfiction Fridays on my YouTube channel.
          If you write any Marvel, Star Trek, and Harry Potter(Also any stories on actors such as Tom Hiddleston, Benedict Cumberbatch, ect.) fanfictions send them to me and  I will recommend it on my channel! I will give you and your fanfiction a shout out.
          I appreciate all of you! Fanfiction is a huge part of my life and I want to give back to you guys and say thank you!


Hi *waves* are you going to be continuing your Spock/Uhura fanfiction because I really love it, your such a talented writer, is there any possibility of it getting updated? Live long and prosper 


Greetings Dat-fangirl-U-know, thank you for loving my story. I am currently writing the future chapters and will be updating this week on either Wednesday or Thursday. Peace and Long Life. 


You should totally enter "having Zachary quinto's baby" in the wattpad competition thing! You would totally win


Thank you for the encouragement! I would love to enter the Watty's but I finished my fanfiction 2 years ago and the rules of the Watty's are that the story needs to be made in the year of the contest or currently still upgrading. Others wise I would totally enter :)