
 @Cfunk3 haha, my cat does the toilet paper thing too!! You can't help but think "Ohh, if you weren't so cute I'd be so angry!" I'm loving your story at the moment. I love how you can flit between the two time periods so seamlessly. Hopelessly addicted!

Cfunk3 it's not just a puppy thing.  Compared to this devil incarnate my cats were angels!  So glad to hear that you're enjoying the story.  That made my day!


 @Cfunk3 haha, my cat does the toilet paper thing too!! You can't help but think "Ohh, if you weren't so cute I'd be so angry!" I'm loving your story at the moment. I love how you can flit between the two time periods so seamlessly. Hopelessly addicted!

Cfunk3 it's not just a puppy thing.  Compared to this devil incarnate my cats were angels!  So glad to hear that you're enjoying the story.  That made my day!


Thanks so much for your support on 'The Return'.  I hope you're enjoying the read and that I'm managing to keep you entertained.  Gazing at your profile pic as the puppy we just adopted rips through a roll of toilet paper-- I wish I wasn't outvoted...I want a cat :(