
hey, so i know kidnapping in venice is doing well, but i'm having writers block on what to do for the next chapter. (can't really write about relationship stuff of this nature when going through a breakup)
          	so, any ideas are more than welcome, but i am not making this an R rated story.
          	loves! <3


hey, so i know kidnapping in venice is doing well, but i'm having writers block on what to do for the next chapter. (can't really write about relationship stuff of this nature when going through a breakup)
          so, any ideas are more than welcome, but i am not making this an R rated story.
          loves! <3


@liliancarmine love it!!!!!!! i will probably be dedicating a few chapters to you in a form of propagation to further your story (not that it really needs it but it is well worth it) so you don't have to read mine if you don't have time but it is there nonetheless. Lost Boys is a permanent tab on my laptop right now. :D