
Hey guys...i have some bad news. i just recently got a job, now while that is great and i can pay for gas and other needs it also eats up A LOT of my free time from school. so i no longer have time to write. i'm deeply upset at the fact that i have to do this but i'm putting Endure and Survive on hold. but its just until the school year is up. which is at the end of may. so until then no more chapters.  and i know there haven't been chapters up until now wither but i thought i would inform you all. love you guys!
          	Peace out!


@giraffelover238 Thanks for letting us know


Hey, I realize you're kinda inactive but...
          I wanted to say thank you.
          Because of your CaptainSparklez fanfiction, I started writing fanfictions myself. I havent posted any, but its a hobby I truely enjoy doing.
          So again... thank you. Really. Without you, I may have never gotten into fanfictions.
          "Why Me?" Will always hold a special place in my heart. :)
          I understand if you dont see this, but I kinda hope you do. You inspired me in such a simple way, but I devoted my whole night to reading Why Me? A few years ago. Ever since then, writing has become a passion of mine.
          Last time... thank you. :)


Hey guys...i have some bad news. i just recently got a job, now while that is great and i can pay for gas and other needs it also eats up A LOT of my free time from school. so i no longer have time to write. i'm deeply upset at the fact that i have to do this but i'm putting Endure and Survive on hold. but its just until the school year is up. which is at the end of may. so until then no more chapters.  and i know there haven't been chapters up until now wither but i thought i would inform you all. love you guys!
          Peace out!


@giraffelover238 Thanks for letting us know


omg.MIANITE IS HERE!!!! you should do a fanfic with tom sonja tucker and jordan <3