Hey guys! Haven't used this account in literally forEVER, but quarantine has me feeling really down and bored. Hoping to start writing and posting more, got an entirely new story in the works and hoping it actually makes it to publish. Just looking to do something productive with my time so for now enjoy my new updates to my first book and basically rewriting it in my spare time so maybe go back and reread if you want to! I'm changing it to reflect more my writing style now and hopefully make it more interesting to read also wanna rework some of the characters and focus on them more as well. I also noticed that parts of my storyline make like no sense because I was just trying to create drama haha that's what I get for writing this when I was 14. Anyway, this message has become super long so I'm gonna end it here. Thanks for reading!
It’s so nice to see people Coming back on here! I haven’t been here in a long time too