
currently trying to figure out how to pay taxes in japan (I do not live in japan, I just want my bnha fanfic to be accurate)


my actual taxes are still due btw


Hi! I was bingeing your stories offline since yesterday (at school) and mind telling you I was flabbergasted when I saw your follow since I clearly don't have anything to offer but read (my day was lit up like sunlight taking it's full form of wisdom. It was just raining very hard here). I don't wanna jump to conclusions since you might have click it by mistake, butt I wanna tell you how heart wrenching, toe curling your stories are I slept  late and wake up early. Lol, and I hope that you are healing well (the reasons to your hiatus) and hope that you continue writing soon! I can't wait for your new stories that have yet to come! Xxx


@glitched__god oh no my heart emojis got raptured 


@Shibalstfu Hello!  Thank you so so much .  I promise, my follow was not be mistake.  I like engaging with the creators and consumers in my communities, and follows help foster that, which I love being a part of.  
            I really appreciate all your kind words.  I'm glad you find my works so visceral (that's exactly what I'm going for lol).  Thank you very much for your well wishes  I'll hopefully be back to writing regularly soon.  


Aaaaaand Black Sapphire is finished!  I have just published the final chapter!  
          (And yes, I will be continuing with the rest of the series.  I have plans.)


I’m absolutely excited about what’s to come!!


@glitched__god so excited to see where you take this


So the U.S. is tumbling down the gutter right now and everyone is tuning into this shitshow.  I think it's safe to assume that no matter where you live, you've probably heard something, at the very least in passing, about the orange man I will not name.  You've probably also heard that he's been re-elected.  The result is technically not concrete right now, as many states are still counting votes, but it's practically impossible for Harris to beat him.  
          And, for further information, there is a push from certain financial contributors to orange man's campaign who are pushing for mass incarceration of library workers across the country.  As you may know from my bio, I am queer and a library worker myself, and I won't lie, I'm very scared for what the future holds in regards to my safety.  There is a very real possibility I will get arrested for wearing pronoun pins at my job.  
          This is, rightfully, a huge deal.  The only hope is that his trial will give him a lengthy sentence and that he will be barred from receiving presidential power before serving his full sentence.  And even still, that hope falls flat if that power is transferred to his vice president nominee j.d. vance.  
          To put it bluntly, we are in danger.  The rhetoric they both spout is eerily reminiscent of the n*z! party, as are many of the policies they are pushing for and supporting.  He has called for the removal of nationwide protections of DEI programs, racial equality, gender equality, equality for the disabled, political equality, and basically every form of putting people in equal power with one another.  He is knowingly, if not purposefully, inciting a war on minorities across the country.  He does not plan to leave that office until the day someone kills him.  
          I will say it clearly: Trump is a fascist.  He will make the U.S. a fascist country the moment he is allowed to step into the White House.  
          More in my comment:


Small update:  Unfortunately, the election has been called.  Trump is set to go back into office.  His trial is set around the end of this year, before the transfer of office, so I guess we'll see how this goes.


I know this is incredibly depressing for many of us.  Not only U.S. citizens and residents, but also the people living in countries that institute the policies the U.S. leads with.  We saw this happen with the overturn of Roe v. Wade, destroying worldwide protections for abortion.  
            I try not to talk about these kinds of things on here.  I think we all deserve a safe space for escapism, ESPECIALLY because of times like these.  Unless something is happening to me in particular, or we hear good news, I will probably not be speaking on this platform about this topic again.  This isn't for my lack of care, but the opposite, as I believe the best activism is only achievable when you can safely retreat when it is too much.  That is what this platform is for me and for many of you.  
            If you are interested in keeping up with this situation better, I am very politically active on my Instagram.  It is a public account, so I don't want this to seem like a ploy for follows or anything.  I really don't care about that.  
            To that point, I cannot say how my writing will be.  I haven't been particularly consistent basically ever, but especially right now.  I have a lot of concerns and am mentally exhausted from worry most of the time.  Writing is my escape, and I plan to continue it, but writing political turmoil amid warfare is obviously very difficult when I see it brewing outside my window.  
            I'm working on what should be the second-to-last chapter of Black Sapphire now.  I'm not sure if I'll be publishing a fanfic following Iron Flame immediately or if I'll give myself some time to wait.  I don't plan on waiting until Onyx Storm is released, though, I can almost guarantee I will at least begin the book before then.  
            For the last time, I am truly, truly, truly wishing everyone the best.  It feels like everything is just getting worse and worse.  I implore you to give yourself the space the relax mentally and emotionally, and I love you all.


Absolutely love the fourth wing fanfic!! I was just wondering if you’re going to be doing iron flame afterwards?


@Sarahhhh12975 I am, yes!  It's progress will likely be a bit slower as I work on other projects (and I hope so I can be ending it close to when Onyx Storm comes out) but I already have plans! 


Hi thanks for the follow I love the fourth wing fanfic but I was unable to finish reading it and I also wanted to know if there was smut that I somehow missed or didn't read 


@ weloveamericano  oke thank you <3333!!!! 


@weloveamericano There is smut, yes.  Those chapters are marked with exclamation points before and after the chapter title (like ! XLII ! ) if you wanted to skip to/over those chapters :).  The fic isn't finished just yet, I've got a few more chapters planned that I'm writing now!


Just did a bit of an overhaul to At the Core.  It's been renamed to Star Core, and with that you will find the new cover!  This is also the official announcement that it is finished!  The sequel will be coming soon (I am working on its cover right now) so please look forward to it!