Hi!!!! If your wondering bout me there's not much to tell... This is pretty much my life:

-- 20% creative

-- 10% total klutz

-- 30% complete weirdo

-- 40% life priority= one direction :P

I like to read a lot and I like to write songs!! So song suggestions are welcome!!!

Please feel free to read the song book I'm writing 'songs I write!' Leave suggestions in the comments and maybe I'll use your suggestion!!

Note:: if you leave a suggestion and I use than you WILL GET A SHOUT OUT!! But if you don't want one just make sure to say that in the comment.

So yah!! Know you now more about me!! I hope you'll check out my reading list's!! If your a directioner than make sure to go to the 'directioner's only' reading list!!

Stay true to friends and loved ones.... As per say the header image I have of me and three of my friends ICE CEEEAAAMMM!!!!!! I luuuvvv ice cream...

Bye my rainbow unicorns...
  • InscritMarch 19, 2015

Dernier message
googoo45 googoo45 Apr 29, 2015 12:02PM
@1Directioner_Horan thx your welcome and you too!! 
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