I have one half way written, and I keep wanting to finish it, but then I start wondering why, when the ones I already wrote were hardly ever read. No one noticed them and they never took off.
They've been sitting here collecting dust, actually! No reads at all for months.
It makes me have no motivation. At all. :(
But having at least ONE person giving me motivation helps greatly! Perhaps for YOU, I'll try and finish.
I tell ya...the things I do for all my fan! (Notice no "s" on the end of "fan"! Lolololol.)
Thanks for remembering me and my stories. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and happy.
Oh, I also have an alternate/side story sort of thing for Cross My Heart. I have to finish editing it...
It's called "If Gavin Died".
It's what would happen between Gwen and Nate, if Gavin (Ed) had actually died when he got shot in "Cross My Heart". (If you remember, he tried to make sure Gwen and Nate got together so they could be happy after he died, because Nate loved her so much.)
So this short, but intense-ish story is how they deal with Gavin's death and if they get together or not.
I'll get to work on those. You're such a slave driver! :)
(Ok, I love it.)