A wonderful, crappy, day today, isn't it? I just can't edit my profile, no matter what I do. And by luck, I decided to replace the quote with a new one. So, due to technical differences, and some problems of wattpad or my computer, I don't particularly know the reason, I decided to input the quote here. This is a better alternative than writing a freaking book anyway. ......................................................................................................Love is a game. Whether you like it or not. But it is not the usual game, you all know of. It is a long path, that will define your emotions, and your self you kept hidden this past years. While taking this long, unknown path , you will experience events that will etch your heart. Some of you may finish first, while the rest of you finish late. The person who won, achieved that person's heart, while the people who lost, tries to steal that person from the winner. Upon losing numerous times, they decide to give up and play another game. Love is a game, whether you like it or not. It just depends on how you perceive it, and execute it. ----- I just love making quotes, and it's pretty much my passion, together with writing stories.