
new account @antiopes x


hey hi hello i saw on my notifs that u added htfil to ur reading list fitzwilliam darcy and dAMN SON HOW DID HTFIL GET INTO THE READING LIST NAMED AFTER ONE OF THE BEST DAMN GENTLEMEN A READER CAN EVER COME ACROSS??? you must allow me to tell you how ardently i admire and love you for adding my (fairly crappy) story to ur reading list <3


OMGOMG such a fan of you and your book and i mean i don't think i'm too far off when i say finn reminds me of darcy haha


I just posted "Saving Sutton" on the app Radish! Make sure to check it out! The first three chapters are free, and each after that are worth three coins: email me at and tell me your username and i'll give you fifty free coins! (only goes to the first ten people) i'm so excited for you to read the new version of SS!


can I still have the fifty free coins? (:


hi guys, you may have heard of radish, the new serialized fiction app! i'm going to be taking saving sutton and chopsticks over there, and i hope you understand. each chapter can be purchased cheaply, and even so, they will be free to read after seven days. chapters one, two, and three of both ss and chopsticks will remain on wattpad, but if you wish to read further, please download the radish app, and stay tuned for the publishing of my two novels under the username "KellyHuiBooks."