
Hi all,
          	I've just uploaded the first chapter of a new story called "Lost in Luke" . The concept for the story is one I came up with years and years ago, but I've recently started to write it again! Please check it out and let me know what you think!


Hi all,
          I've just uploaded the first chapter of a new story called "Lost in Luke" . The concept for the story is one I came up with years and years ago, but I've recently started to write it again! Please check it out and let me know what you think!


Hi all, 
          I can’t believe it’s been nearly 6 years since I last updated A Letter to You! School and then University just got on top of me and I never really had time to write, but now I really want to get back into it so watch this space and hopefully I’ll have some updates for anyone out there still waiting for my return! 


hey everyone:) it's been a while, I know, but I really dont know how to carry on ALTY:/ I seem to have written myself into a bit of a hole, I know what I want to happen in this story and I am definitely not giving up, but I am in such a big hole right now and I dont know how to get out of... So I was wondering if any of you guys could help me... so if any of you wouldnt mind messaging me and giving me some advice on how to get out of this hole, it would be much appreciated:) 