This is a story about those parts of life that concern every single one of us: it is about the death of a loved one, but also about life and hope. https://www.wattpad.com/story/223821604
Reading Lists
This is a story about those parts of life that concern every single one of us: it is about the death of a loved one, but also about life and hope. https://www.wattpad.com/story/223821604
This is a story about those parts of life that concern every single one of us: it is about the death of a loved one, but also about life and hope. https://www.wattpad.com/story/223821604
Coming soon: My latest book called ‘Death and Life’ Introduction: Blood! So much blood! Too much blood! Too much! And in my heart of hearts I knew: there was no way for him to come back from this. Bud I didn’t want to acknowledge it. Not yet. Just a few moments ago I had been sitting at the computer working on some book, with the soft sound of a YouTube video in the background. Everything had been so peaceful. Hopeful, even. But not anymore. A sudden thunder booming through our living room announced the unreversible end of the summer. And that of a precious life. My husband’s. And yet there is hope and life. Somewhere. Somehow.
@happygirl1 Looking forward to reading this. I'm sure it's been harrowing to write but very healing as well xxx
This is very sorry, your husband's demise. I hope you are economically, physically and spiritually well. How old are your children, what are they doing?
Sorry, it appears that my message didn’t go through the first time! Yes, I am well on all levels now and I’m actually going to write a small book about my experiences with life and death. I don’t have any children, so at this front I don’t have to worry. Thank you for enquiring about my well-being and I hope that you’re also doing fine. Love, Apaga
Dear All! I’m sorry that I’ve been absent from WP for so long, but I have unfortunately been very busy for the last 1 1/2 years or so. First with taking care of my sick-with-cancer beloved husband (trying to find cures, helping him with everyday surviving) and lately (since the first of September) with coming to terms with his departure from this physical life and everything this entails. As I have been following a spiritual path for decades I’m probably better off emotionally than most people, but it’s still a very challenging experience. In the process, I really went as deep into the reality we call life as I possibly could and I shall probably write about this part of the journey in order to support others who might be in a similar situation. Or even just wonder. I hope you’re all doing well and that I shall have time to communicate with you again, soon. -ish All my love!
Greetings from another girl living in Austria :)! Just read your bio and of course I had to follow you :)
@happygirl1 freut mich dich hier zu treffen. Gibt ja nicht so viele Österreicher hier auf WP ;). Lol, ich weiß nicht ob das so geht, aber du darfst das gerne schreiben xD! Liebe Grüße!
Ah! Liebe Grüße von der steirischen Hauptstadt! Freut mich hier eine Landsmännin (hm darf man soetwas heute überhaupt noch schreiben...?) zu treffen:) Alles Liebe!!
Hey! would you mind reading and voting on my short story about the sea? Some feedback will also be appreciated :) https://www.wattpad.com/653344285-the-ocean-says-
I found some books to read from your reading lists :) XoXo, Baya
I have one question for the Mac users among you: for some time now, I have not been able to insert pictures at all. Before, WP would show me a picture symbol when I clicked on a paragraph while in editing mode. But that does not show up any more. Now, how do I insert pictures?
@happygirl1 Very strange indeed. Have you tried from a different laptop or used a different browser? The feature definitely works for me.
Thanks for asking :) Nope, it still won't show any option to insert pictures. :/ Maybe I shall contact Wattpad.
Just so you know: quite unexpectedly, my (rather new) i-phone died on me. Quite literally, as it was fine when I put it into the front pocket of my working trousers and dead when I pulled it out two hours later. :) It makes reading your stories a bit difficult, because I mostly use my phone for engaging with them. (Commuting, during breaks, etc. ) Therefore, please be patient with me, I have not forgotten about you :)
No, it was a second hand one, but in really good condition. The guy at the repair shop said that this frequently happens to the i-phone 6. Really?! My i-phone 3, on the other hand, is still in excellent working condition. Alas it doesn't properly support most of my apps (like WP) any more, since nobody bothers to make updates for this model. *sighs* And my hubby can't say anything, since he has gone through quite a few phones over the fifteen or so years and this was only my third. :)
@happygirl1 Ah well I hope it wasn't the latest Iphone. Did the hubby buy the story of the phone peacefully dying in your pocket Lol I would usually get an accusatory look of 'what did you do to kill it?'
Hi there :) Sorry for having been AWOL for two weeks. I was overseas on holidays, with only an occasional internet access. I tried to get to your works, commenting offline (which had worked in the past). However, not this time. Unfortunately, now I don't remember which chapters I have read offline. Therefore, if I happen to have skipped any of your work, please know that I am not snubbing you. I am just a bit confused about it all, right now. But I am trying to catch up with everything again over the course of the next few days. I hope you're having a decent start into the autumn season. Love, Happygirl1
@anupamarc Thanks for the encouragement ! I shall try my best to give you one, soon. :)
@linahanson *grins* You can't find the chapter, because it is part of my first book. I think it was the third chapter.
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