
hey loves, 
          	so as you probably have noticed i changed Fool’ Gold to Crimson Idol, and i consequently changed the cover. 
          	I will be going back and editing every single one of the chapters so you might get a bit of a notification spam but i want everything to be perfect before i move forth. Thank you for reading. Thank you for your constant love. 
          	- Jana 


hey loves, 
          so as you probably have noticed i changed Fool’ Gold to Crimson Idol, and i consequently changed the cover. 
          I will be going back and editing every single one of the chapters so you might get a bit of a notification spam but i want everything to be perfect before i move forth. Thank you for reading. Thank you for your constant love. 
          - Jana 


hey loves, 
          so seeing as im back to writing Fool’s Gold, i can finally clearly see which direction the book is going in, given that information, i feel it is only proper to finally give it a good title. 
          so, everybody, meet Crimson Idol 
          love, Jana 


Hey there lovie!
          Hope your day is just as amazing as you are!
          May I be honored by you checking out my imagines book? Only few chapters wouldn't matter yeah? Also if you want you can drop a request and leave some feedback! Be sure that I'd be real happy if you did check my book! I hope I'm not bothering you! Have a nice day!


Hi sweetie! I will once i have the chance xD it would be a pleasure 