
@Phenomenixll_  no I didn't. Someone made it for me. I love it too. Thanks :)


Hey guys, I know I updated last night and it was a really crappy chapter. 8th grade takes up a lot of time. I don't think I will ever have a life next year!! I have decided to put Invisible on hold while I write a couple chapters on GOWOD. I may once in a while write a little on Invisible but I will probably not update it in a while. I am thinking a month or two but it may be later. Maybe not until summer. I don't know, but I really am sorry. Please do not give up on me! Thanks to those who stay with me through it all ❤


Just wrote a little bit of GOWOD. I know I haven't updated in a REALLY long time. I am sorry guys but writing is the last thing I think about with my busy schedule. I will try to update as soon as possible but tomorrow I am going on a 44 mile bike ride so I won't have much time tomorrow.Sorry guys!! Gonna update Invisible soon too!! Love you guys!!
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