I was on the phone with my friend for 2 and a half hours. 2 hours and 30 minutes. 2 fucking hours and 30 excruciating minute. We were working on our final lab of the year. It was hell. We have MCAS tomorrow. We are exhausted. It took me from page 29 to page 42 to finish. 13 pages. We have MCAS tomorrow. It determines if I go to college. Rip me and 80
HEY EVERYONE!!! So I really want to write a book. I know that is a normal thing on here so that's why I need your help. I want to collect some characteristics from my friends on here and other people in my life and mix them up to create characters. NOW I really would appreciate if some of you guys on here submitted some characteristics. What I'm looking for is:
-your first name(or your username is fine): I just want to be able to thank each of you
-favorite foods
-pet peeves
-what you love about something
-favorite things
-what your style is
-How you do things
Really ANYTHING is applicable. Just send it through a private message or as a comment of this message. Thank you all so much for your help! And keep an eye out for this new book!
All the love
Liv xx