
Some misconceptions
          	People say that we (shias) say aloud- Ya Ali! And in low pitch  "Allah Huma salle ala Mohammad was ale Mohammad". 
          	People: They respect Hazrat Ali a.s. more than Prophet Muhammad s.a.w...!!!
          	Well, no, we say aloud as in the view of injustice that some people did. And in low pitch that " Salwaat" because we give respect. 
          	That's the thing you need to know.


Some misconceptions
          People say that we (shias) say aloud- Ya Ali! And in low pitch  "Allah Huma salle ala Mohammad was ale Mohammad". 
          People: They respect Hazrat Ali a.s. more than Prophet Muhammad s.a.w...!!!
          Well, no, we say aloud as in the view of injustice that some people did. And in low pitch that " Salwaat" because we give respect. 
          That's the thing you need to know.


Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu..❤❤❤
          How r you sister??


@Hafsa__2311 Its ok you don't have to be sorry sister.. I'm glad that you replied.... Jazakallahu khairan.. I'm good too Alhamdulillah...❤❤


Asslam walaikum wa rahmutallahe wa barakatahuh...
          When someone cry out of their grief we tell them to have “patience” - or “stop crying”, because we think crying means being impatient or not being content with the Qadr (destiny)!
          Once Prophet Muhammad (saw) son passed away, and out of grief He (Saw) started crying, and Companions were so shocked they asked “Oh Prophet, even you are crying?” 
          They asked because they thought crying is like protesting to Allah! It’s against Patience; 
          but Prophet Muhammad saw said yes, I’m crying and this is out of love! But our tongues say what is pleasing to Allah (I.e - we don’t become ungrateful in speech but we can’t control tears)
          When Prophet Yousuf as was kidnapped, His father, Prophet Yaqoob AS cried so much for decades, out of love for his son, so much so that he lost his eye-sight! Grieving! 
          He was a Prophet! 
          He KNEW his son was alive! 
          He KNEW his Son will become a Prophet 
          And he still cried so much out of grief! 
          So much that he lost his eyesight!
          And yet Allah swt called him not only patience but called his patience Sabr-e-Jameel; a most beautiful of all the patience.
          So what was different?
          That’s what Rasool Allah saw answered when being asked why was he crying? 
          “We cry out of love; but our tongues will only say what is pleasing to Allah”
          Isn’t it a beautiful perspective


A reliable tradition through Imam Musa al-Kazim and Imam Zayn
al-‘abidin says that one who wishes to shake hands with all the 124000
Prophets must visit (i.e.. go on Ziyarah—pilgrimage) the grave of Imam
al-Husayn on the fifteenth night of the month of Sha‘ban (the eighth
month of the Islamic Calendar), because the souls of all the Prophets
          come to visit the grave of Imam al-Husayn by the permission of Allah.
Moreover, five of them are Ulu’l-‘Azm Prophets: Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa,
‘Isa and Muhammad. The narrator asked the Imam the definition of
‘Ulu’l-‘Azm’. Imam said, “It denotes the Prophets who were sent for all
men and jinn from the east to the west of the Earth.”


=)  Abu Bakr said, "May Allah never put me in a predicament that Abu al-Hasan cannot solve." And Umar said, "If it was not for ‘Ali, Umar would have perished."2
           al Isti'ab, vol 3 p 39; Manaqib al Khawarizmi, p 48; al Riyadh al Nadirah, vol 2 p 194 
          =) Ali said about himself, "Ask me before you lose me. By Allah, if you ask me about anything that could happen up to the Day of Judgement, I will tell you about it. Ask me about the Book of Allah, because by Allah there is no (Qur'anic) verse that I do not know whether it was revealed during the night or the day, or whether it was revealed on a plain or on a mountain."27
           al Riyadh al-Nadirah, vol 2 p 198; Tarikh, Suyuti, p 124; al Itqan, Suyuti, vol 2 p 319; Fath al Bari, vol 8 p 485; Tadhib al
          Tadhib, vol 7 p 338
           =) The Prophet of Allah (saw) said, indicating ‘Ali: “This is my brother, my trustee and my deputy (caliph) after me, so listen to him and obey him."31
           Tarikh, al Tabari, vol 2 p319; al Sirah al Halabiyah, vol 1 p 311; Shawahid al Tanzil, vol 1 p 371; Kanz al Ummal, vol 15


          Hadith no. 1
          I was slapped on my Face Until my Earings fells and Scatterd on the Ground.
          Al-Hidayatul Kubra, Pg-179.
          Hadith no. 2
          The Most painful thing SAYYEDA ZEHRA(S.A) said:
          Baba I was CRYING and they were LAUGHUNG.!!
          Hadith no. 3
          2nd Caliph came to FATEMA ZEHRA(S.A) House ans said to her, “I know that Prophet of ALLAH(S.W.T) did not love anyone more than you.But these will not stopped me from carrying out my decisions.If these people stay in your house, Than i will burn the door in front of you.!!”
          Kanz-Al-Ummal, Vol-3 Pg-140.
          Hadith no. 4
          As Safadi Said that:
          2nd Caliph Beat FATEMA ZEHRA(S.A) Abdomen on the day of homeage until she Miscarried Al-Mohsin(A.S.W.S).
          Al-Wafibil-Wafiyyat, Vol-5 Pg-347.


The Shi'a of 'Ali shall be victorious on the Day of Resurrection (qiyamah)/ Judgement
          SUNNI references :1)al-Manaqib Ahmad, as mentioned in:(a) Yanabi al-Mawaddah, by al-Qundoozi al-Hanafi, p62; (b) Tafsir al-Durr al-Manthoor, by al-Hafidh Jalaluddin al Suyuti, who quotes the tradition as follows: "We were with the Holy Prophet when 'Ali came towards us. The Holy Prophet said: He and his Shi'a will acquire salvation on the day of judgement." [The "day of rising / resurrection " may also refer to the day of rising of al-Mahdi (ahhs). But in more general term, it means the "Day of Judgement".]


Assalamo alaika wa rahmuthalahe wa barakatahuh...
          Prophet's sayings:
          یا علي أبشر فإنك و أصحابك و شيعتك في الجئّة
          Glad tidings O 'Ali! Verily you and your companions and your Shi'a (followers & supporters) will be in Paradise
          Some SUNNI references :1) Fadha'il al
          L Sahaba, by Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, v2, p655; 2) Hilyatul Awliya, by Abu Nu'aym, v4, p329; 3) Tarikh, by al-Khateeb al-Baghdadi, v12, p289; 4) al-Awsat, by al-Tabarani; 5) Majma' al-Zawa'id, by al-Haythami, v10, pp 21-22; 6) al-Daraqutni, who said this tradition has been transmitted via many different authorities; 7) al-Sawa'iq al-Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar Haythami, Ch. 11, section 1, p247;


Assalam walaikum wa rahmutallahe wa barakatahuh..
          Imam Zainul-Abideen's life is full of sadness and oppression. He had to witness all the horrors of Kerbala (he was ill and could not do anything to help neither his father nor the women and children who were tortured). Imam Zainul-Abideen spent the rest of his life crying and grieving till he was poisoned by Abu Abul Malik (the Omeyad Khalif). 
          This is just one scene of the horror story that made the Imam restless and in constant pain. One day one of his companions tired of seeing him cry told him: "Oh Imam, for how many years will you continue to cry about Kerbala, you are the family of the Prophet, you are the Honourable?". The Imam replied: "
          Oh Abu Hamza, I complain of my grief and my sorrow to Allah SWT, Prophet Ya'cub cried so much for a son of his who was still alive that he became blind, whereas I saw 18 members of my family butchered on the plains of Kerbala..!"
          Imam Zain-ul-Abidin and the surviving women of Kerbala (Zeyneb, Umul-Banin, Umul-Kethum) organized majalis and educated people about what happened.
          In Sunni sources, Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal report in his Musnad that when it was announced that Prophet Muhammad died Aysha said "we started beating ourselves in grief". 


@hayat_murtaza The lovers of Ahlulbait grieve for their grief and are happy for their happiness. 
            Every person is free to express their grief in the way that helps them: for some the pain of remembering the horses trampling on the holy chest of Imam Hussain is too intense so they beat their own chest (Umar Bin Saad had ordered that the horse riders sharpen the hoovers of their horses so that they can penetrate the chest of Imam Hussain when they trample it), that same chest that Rasulullah was kissing every morning, for some the pain of remembering the Devil's army beat up the children of the Household of the Prophet is too painful so they beat themselves with chains to feel some of the pain the kids went through, etc.
            Perhaps one way to understand the extreme forms of grief poeple adopt is this : if you have ever loved anyone very deeply and harms happens to them you will find it difficult to watch them suffer and you will wish that some of their pain is transferred to you. There is not doubt that no school is as passionate in their love for Ahlulbait as the Shi'a are.
            I wish to end my reply with the words of Allah's beloved: "HUSSAINI MINI WA ANA MIN-AL HUSSAIN". " Hussain is from me and I am from Hussain". He then continues: "Whoever loves him loves me, whoever loves me loves Allah".
            And no one gets hurt. In just a few days without medication just rose water..  They get normal... The wound disappears... 