=) Abu Bakr said, "May Allah never put me in a predicament that Abu al-Hasan cannot solve." And Umar said, "If it was not for ‘Ali, Umar would have perished."2
al Isti'ab, vol 3 p 39; Manaqib al Khawarizmi, p 48; al Riyadh al Nadirah, vol 2 p 194
=) Ali said about himself, "Ask me before you lose me. By Allah, if you ask me about anything that could happen up to the Day of Judgement, I will tell you about it. Ask me about the Book of Allah, because by Allah there is no (Qur'anic) verse that I do not know whether it was revealed during the night or the day, or whether it was revealed on a plain or on a mountain."27
al Riyadh al-Nadirah, vol 2 p 198; Tarikh, Suyuti, p 124; al Itqan, Suyuti, vol 2 p 319; Fath al Bari, vol 8 p 485; Tadhib al
Tadhib, vol 7 p 338
=) The Prophet of Allah (saw) said, indicating ‘Ali: “This is my brother, my trustee and my deputy (caliph) after me, so listen to him and obey him."31
Tarikh, al Tabari, vol 2 p319; al Sirah al Halabiyah, vol 1 p 311; Shawahid al Tanzil, vol 1 p 371; Kanz al Ummal, vol 15