
Also please comment on this giving me suggestions of what you want to see/read in my books and I'll find a way to put it in with the story line... 
          	You can either comment or send me a private message of what you want to happen and which book it is :) just thought I'd do something that can get a connection going with my readers and stuff... Kinda like a massive thank you for reading ahah okay I hope to hear from you all xxx


Also please comment on this giving me suggestions of what you want to see/read in my books and I'll find a way to put it in with the story line... 
          You can either comment or send me a private message of what you want to happen and which book it is :) just thought I'd do something that can get a connection going with my readers and stuff... Kinda like a massive thank you for reading ahah okay I hope to hear from you all xxx


Hey guys! So my updates are going to be really late/slow... As per usual but I haven't got very much internet at the moment so I'm trying to make my wifi last until Christmas... So only a few days and then I promise I'll update all my books in one go!! I pinky promise...
          Okay I love you guys and thank you for being so patient with me xxxx


Hello beautiful humans!! I'm sooooooooooo sorry that I haven't been writing a lot lately, I'm writing another story for my English class and it keeps me really busy and I have an apprenticeship now so that is also an impact on how busy I get, I have an apprenticeship in jockeying, and in case anyone wants to criticise or be like 'having an apprenticeship isn't that hard' well let me explain my week. 
          I get up at 3:00am walk an hour to the nearest race course, work the horses, get home at 6:30 -7:00 am ish then get ready for school, 8:00am go to school. 2:40pm finish school and get home and do homework and work around the house (sometimes I get called in to work at a fast food shop too but very rarely.) then shower, eat and got to bed at 9:00pm -9:30pm ish. And I repeat  this everyday for every week for three years of my apprenticeship. (Except on Sunday's. Sunday is my sleepy day) 
          So clearly I have barley enough time to write two books at one time and do all that ^ so don't go around calling me 'lazy' 'selfish' 'forgetful' 'inactive' and blah blah blah, because I'm really not. Thank you. 
          ~ Hayley