
Hey guys! Guess what? I'm still alive! Sorry about not updating in months I have been inactive lately. As always I am taking requests. Come November Decemberish I won't be updating at my normal times because, dum da dum, I'm moving to Arizona! It'll be a big change from Germany but I can't wait. I'll be living near my bestie and I'll be able to get on Wattpad more. Another update will be coming out in the next few weeks for my anime one shots so look out for that. And I'll probably be making a new story! Well thank you all my devoted followers, I lurv ya all! ~Abbu Chan


Hey guys! Guess what? I'm still alive! Sorry about not updating in months I have been inactive lately. As always I am taking requests. Come November Decemberish I won't be updating at my normal times because, dum da dum, I'm moving to Arizona! It'll be a big change from Germany but I can't wait. I'll be living near my bestie and I'll be able to get on Wattpad more. Another update will be coming out in the next few weeks for my anime one shots so look out for that. And I'll probably be making a new story! Well thank you all my devoted followers, I lurv ya all! ~Abbu Chan

