Hey you guys! First off, happy Pride!! I love my queers and I am proud to be Bisexual I love you!!️
Second of all; I Haven't been active on here and I'll always find excuses but at the end of the day it is really the motivation and time that is lost. But don't fear anything. Nothing is confirmed and I will keep all my stories on this account but I just have to make this clear...
I am turning 17 in July as some of you may know um so the end of my school life is almost there and I am glad but scared as well... I am so thankful for all the reads on Little Beth. I am glad to be a part of this and I adored writing it. I will continue writing once I figued everything out but I fear that this year and the next, I won't be active on any story, neither on Wattpad in general. I really want to make it through these school years and focus on it for a while. School life is as I said, very busy because I have my first exam tomorrow and you know... especially what I am studying right now, it is very stressful and you need to be prepared and have your towels and models. I never thought it'd go this way but here we are and I am happy. The growth of my writing "career" didn't glo SO well but it's okay because once I have a job, have nice things to do in life, I will try to make space for this as well. I can't promise anything because who knows what happens next? I might start my own farm instead. Okay so sending much love and many hugs into this world and especially the people that have been keeping up with me on this account through all of the problems. Thank you thank you thank you. I couldn't be more grateful. I won't fear the future I promise you that. And I think you shouldn't do that either❤️
You have been kind and for those who have been showing some support, thank you even more❤️
Hopefully see you in two years✨️❤️