i'm that type of person who will start a story then just give up and delete it.
  • Đã tham giaMarch 10, 2017

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Truyện của seokjinnie
crash ≫ taekook bởi heavydirtygasmask
crash ≫ taekook
his body sunk into the snow, rich blood spreading into the white powder. snow flakes falling onto his skin, w...
float  ∦  vkook bởi heavydirtygasmask
float ∦ vkook
"and as I reach to you, my soul falling from my body. I'll reach for you as I fall up to the sky."
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Humble ➳ vkook bởi heavydirtygasmask
Humble ➳ vkook
his arms wrapping around my body, tears soaking the fabric. muffled words and sobs as he tried to explain. &q...
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