I screw around with ideas that may sound good or not, try to be as sociable as I can be given that I consider my self a moody person. Weather I end up writing anything interesting is just up to the reader to judge, I will how ever not let the fact that I am a applied physics engineer give the story to much possibility of reality.
My stile relies on the expression of emotion so even if there are mistakes, some of them are intentional for the reader to relate to the story or the author. On punctuation, please don't hassle me about it, I am an engineer not a person who studied or liked grammar and spelling curriculum/subjects. To everyone that understands and can relate ... welcome, I appreciate your time and maybe it touched your heart enough to not say anything bad about it ... since this is my second language in the sense of level of understanding, practice and use I strongly recommend you think about the level of insensitivity you may apply!
I would love to be able to touch my readers hearts with the level of emotion I put in everything and at the same time to congratulate them for bothering ... I like the idea of creative criticism but if you think one sided you end up hurting instead of helping simply because lacking the patience to relate to the creation and the author and his circumstances will feed your overconfidence and you will be ignorant of that person's feelings and hopes ... hope I don't scare you off, I am opened to any conversation, psychological conversations are very amusing and yet interesting at the same time, as for what I am about, what do I like, it's something that is best told to the ones that are curious enough to simply want to ask them selves.
In no way do I wish to lecture people more creative then me or far more passionate, so just take my words as what I meant them to be, a description of the artist's beliefs and a simple challenge for the reader to not be a "pompous ass"... hope you love my written emotions.
  • Romania
  • S-a alăturatMarch 15, 2014

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