
Going on a road trip and I’m fearing for my notifications, because it normally says I have 100+ notifications because of all the people i follow. My checkmark so I know how far back I need to go is evelyn_esher paradox #4 authors note. This is a note for myself.


Going on a road trip and I’m fearing for my notifications, because it normally says I have 100+ notifications because of all the people i follow. My checkmark so I know how far back I need to go is evelyn_esher paradox #4 authors note. This is a note for myself.


I NEED HELP! This is awkward to talk about, but there’s this one pjo fanfic where it’s just one-shots (they might all be smut) and there’s one specific story that I need to read again it’s Percy x Jason x Leo x Nico and Percy is into bondage. If any of you have read it, PLEASE give me the title because I cannot find it again!!


Non-binary, demiromantic asexual.
          Non-binary: doesn’t fit into the gender binary
          Demiromantic: isn’t romantically attracted to someone unless they know them really well
          Asexual: has no need for sex, or possibly sex-repulsed 
          These aren’t really the official definitions but it’s what they mean for me :)


Ok, hear me out, Nico singing ‘Love Like You’ from Steven Universe, referring to Will. Here’s the lyrics:
          If I could begin to be
          Half of what you think of me
          I could do about anything
          I could even learn how to love
          When I see the way you act
          Wondering when I'm coming back
          I could do about anything
          I could even learn how to love like you
          I always thought I might be bad
          Now I'm sure that it's true
          'Cause I think you're so good
          And I'm nothing like you
          Look at you go
          I just adore you
          I wish that I knew
          What makes you think I'm so special
          If I could begin to do
          Something that does right by you
          I would do about anything
          I would even learn how to love
          When I see the way you look
          Shaken by how long it took
          I could do about anything
          I could even learn how to love like you
          Love like you
          Love me like you


It’s 5:30 in the morning so should I get up now or should I sleep until noon. Also, my parents are going to Vegas for a wedding and our grandparents are watching me and my siblings, and I’m seriously considering cutting my hair even shorter on Monday. They wouldn’t notice and my parents wouldn’t realize.


I cut my hair on Saturday and Sunday (about 2 inches in total) and my parents haven’t noticed. I had a quiz bowl meet today and my knowledge of greek mythology from Percy Jackson came in handy. Also, does anyone know any good crossovers of pretty much any fandom with Nico as the main character. I’ve gone through all of them. Help.. the helicopters are circling. I can hear them.


I’m going to start posting the best part of my day, and the weirdest part.
          Today the best part of my day was dumping an entire fundip packet of powder into my mouth and people looking at me in admiration.
          The weirdest part of my day was when one of my teachers started saying that “some of us had the devil in us” his exact words. (I go to a Catholic school) This same teacher had previously locked out half the class in the cold, because he said that if they wanted their masks down they could go outside then preceded to close and lock the door and leave them out there. It was almost below freezing and some of them didn’t have their coats on. He left them out there for five minutes.