
          	yeah so guess what! i actually put effort into 2 covers of my stories! not like i usually don't but i'm proud of myself for those covers (deafly secrets and the ugly truth)
          	so you might've seen that i made a new story. well, truth be told, i've been wanting to write a story like this for a while and then i got the book "It's Kind Of A Funny Thing" and that's about what i'm writing about so yeah. the dude's name's Copeland cause I needed a weird name and I already had 2 normal names  and wow i just realized the Craig in my story is like the Craig in Vizzini's story. Wow, um, awkward. well anywhore, that's the update! 


          yeah so guess what! i actually put effort into 2 covers of my stories! not like i usually don't but i'm proud of myself for those covers (deafly secrets and the ugly truth)
          so you might've seen that i made a new story. well, truth be told, i've been wanting to write a story like this for a while and then i got the book "It's Kind Of A Funny Thing" and that's about what i'm writing about so yeah. the dude's name's Copeland cause I needed a weird name and I already had 2 normal names  and wow i just realized the Craig in my story is like the Craig in Vizzini's story. Wow, um, awkward. well anywhore, that's the update! 


ok so quick update. i'm 3 days into marching band season, i have a major sunburn on my shoulders, chest, and upper back, i'm probably gonna get skin cancer (always fun) and i haven't finished the little drabble thing. yeah, i call them drabbles (even though the definition says otherwise) because i do so, put up or shut up. i'm gonna try and finish it friday because i'm not gonna have time tomorrow (9-9 practice) and even now i just wanna read and sleep.
          anywhore, LOVE YOU ALL AND STUFF! bye bye!


hey, so i'm gonna go edit my arranged marriage story, in like 2 months, but until then, i'm gonna write out a quick drabble (including Zuri and Austin) in a drabble book thingy i'm starting. so, it'll be like later today or something. and BEFORE I FORGET, i know i've been in "indefinite hiatus" recently (sorry, i'm logged in on one computer and i barely get time to write on it) but these next two weeks, i'll be at marching band camp, though this week it's mostly 9-5, next week's 9-9 except wednesday so i'm not gonna be able to upload in the 2 weeks upcoming. so, sorry... please don't hate me! i love you all!
          i gotta go write a drabble. bye bye!


SO, i have like 10 days to get a certain story out. i'm seriously giving myself a deadline to finish the cover and to finish to the story so i can post it in the wee hours of April 26th, which is the day i'm leaving for DC with my school's band. an update will be released later this week! 
          lily is out!


if anyone is a fan of my second account, you would know that i am currently in the mist of writing a new story, i'm now dubbing "Survive Through the Night", which is open to change if needed. i'm moving it over to this account because i feel like i'm neglecting it and i've been spending more time on my second one.  and considering the last real story i posted (not counting poetry) was a boyxboy story i seriously regret turning it into a fan fiction, this is my make-up for also neglecting my arranged marriage story (which, while i was gone, got somehow popular). i'm in kinda a drag for it so it'll be on a hold for a little bit longer. sorry ^~^ oh and here's the description for "Survive Through the Night":
          Welcome to what was once a state of America. Here, you'll find kids roaming the streets, in hopes of finding allies and avoiding the cannibles, a.k.a. Carnies. There is no definate that you will make it to the next day. But, things weren't all like this. Up until 2005, Kentucky was a thriving state, filled with laughs and country accents. Then the revolution happened. The government didn't want the state that was the source for their coal anymore. They dropped the state as fast as they could. Now, with the adults in the 49 remaining states, kids scround the streets, hoping they can survive for the day. Meet the Hensworth twins. Brendon and Brandon have survived on the little food for almost 7 years. They move from group to group, hoping the next will be their final and stable one. How did they survive? Can they go on like this? Or will the C.H.I.L.D. keep them?
          isn't that wonderful? i got the idea for the "we're all abandoned and we scrounge for food" from my good friend alyssa from when she was writing a story about what would happen the a rundown America and how kids would survive.
          lily is out! peace!