


I Was wondering how you just joined and follow all these people. Also. Just wondering who Kaitlyn is. If I know her I don't remember. I Will help the cause just give me a bit of info on them please. 


@LunaMarie2020 I do hear that a lot of bisexual and lgbtq+ people get showered with hatred. Even though I'm straight I soulfully respect everyone's decisions and will not judge by their choices. :)


@LunaMarie2020 she is a person who has a lot of hate on her because she is bisexual she is 14 and a girl and she writes on wattpad and also I didn’t just join I have another account this is inspired by mahfa as well @kait-c-promo-acc it’s just to make kaitc feel better you don’t need to do it I don’t know if you meet her