
tempted to start writing fics again, idk feeling indecisive. on another note im learning french for funsies


to you guys who are waiting for the next chapter of angelic traitor, it won't be out for a while, i've been bombarded with a butt load of college work so it's hard for me to take time out of my week to actually get a chance to write it but it could be out in a couple weeks because i do have a week off on the week of Halloween


how many people have seen that animal crossing video- bc my fyp is covered with people talking about it and I'm genuinely concerned at this point lmfao


@__BetterThanYou__ yeah it’s that one ._.


@brokenjukebox_  oh so is it that Egypt one? If not there’s multiple. Stuff like that makes me uncomfortable because ik little kids have probably seen it.


@__BetterThanYou__ it's basically furry p0rn and there's a specific track of music that plays throughout the whole thing-