
Hi! Sorry to plug but I just want to promote my cousin's story, if you have time kindly read "Days Till Autumn" by La_Estrlla_Binaria here's the link https://my.w.tt/aWBflazNb8
          Please don't vote right away, we really hope you will give some time to read it but ofcourse it would really mean a lot if you will vote
          Let's support each other!
          Followe her and I'll do the same♥
          (Kindly message me for this matter, I don't really check her followers since I dont have time. [Im the one who handles the follow back thing])
          Thank you! Again sorry for plugging♥


Hello, I apologize for shamelessly plugging, here to promote my bff’s ongoing work Eternal Love & Goodbyes. Please do check it out. Reads, votes, and follows are highly appreciated. Follow her, as me and my friends also follows you. Requests and questions? just message her. Thank you very much.
          Follow her instead of me, but I assure that I’ll follow you just message me!


Hi! I would like to promote these two mystery/thriller story written by @Vinauxx
          Group Chat and Suicide Path 
          You won't regret reading these cool stories. Here's the link of Group Chat. https://­invalid.invalid/­­story/­­139924809-group-chat
          You can also check the Suicide Path on her wattpad profile. 
          Please read and add to library if you want. Thankyou!
          Ps: Kindly check her profile if you wanted to see all of her works.