
~Eid mubarack~


Asalamu Alakom dear readers! <3
          I have been writing a new story written by Dr. Ghazi al Shammari
          its called The Prophet Muhammad The Best of All Husbands :D
          I hope you check it out , and if interested in learning more, add it to your library & wait for updates!!! 
          thanx habibtys <3
          luv yall & miss yall very very much <3
          salam <3


hey lovelies, 
          how are you all doing?? sorry ive disappeared for so long! alot has happened for me, but now im back~ 
          i just published the glass heart book...im not sure if ill be writing its sequel, but who knows?
          i really missed you all very much, and i want to thank every single one of you for your endless support to me and my stories. 
          love you all!
          hiba nina <3



Hello lovelies,
          First off, I’d like to wish you a happy new year! Hope this year is better than the last! 
          Second, I have updated two new chapters in behind her hazel eyes as a little surprise for you. Do check it out! Don’t forget to comment and vote if you enjoyed it! 
          I pour my heart and soul into my writing as I really do enjoy writing! 
          Thank you for all your support! 
          Hiba Nina 


Hello habibtys!
          Three chapter updates today for behind her hazel eyes!!! I guess I was in a really good mood to write today! Heheheheh 
          Hope you like the update!
          Things are getting intense in these new chapters. Lots of drama!
          Check it out! 
          Love ya
          Hiba Nina