

read your description and thought it was awesome. don't worry about people judging you for your sexuality, because I'm pan too! thank you for the follow. Supernatural, Doctor Who, and Rooster Teeth are my top three fandom's and are my biggest thing in life right now. Always Keep Fighting!


Thanks, that means a lot. Supernatural and Dr Who are great. Thank you, and stay strong! 


 I just needed to take a moment and say your description is fabulous and no matter what sexuality you are that was a beautiful description and you are a beautiful person. Thanks of the follow! Teen wolf and Supernatural have become my only life outside of marching band so yeah<3 :) 


Oh, thank you! That's very sweet. And Teen Wolf and Spn are the best! :) 


Hey, guys!! I just watched a movie and it got me thinking. If you guys ever need anything wether you're sad or just plain bored, please text me. Please. I will /always/ answer. I may not be there at that exact moment, but I will answer soon. Never feel shy or scared to talk to me, please talk to me if you ever need/want a friend.  :) okay, I'm sorry, just wanted to say that. Okay. Ta-ta for now, unicorns! Stay magical!