The goal of Himalayan Rocket Stove is to reduce deforestation, pollution, and drudgery by enhancing heating and cooking solutions. We want to reach as many low-income communities as we can as we build up our menu of choices.
  • Swaraaj Building Khasra, 42, Parwanoo Kasauli Rd, Sector-4, Parwanoo, Himachal Pradesh
  • InscritJuly 7, 2022

Histoires par
Biomass Heater par himalayanrocketstove
Biomass Heater
Biomass is the organic material used for burning in stoves that generate heat for cooking and heating. These...
ranking #28 dans la catégorie biomass Voir tous les classements
Himalayan Rocket Stove Price par himalayanrocketstove
Himalayan Rocket Stove Price
In the chilly winters of the Himalayas, people spend most of their time and money on keeping the home warm an...