rising is great, and I read a lot and have published a bit (dead tree versions)I would class Rising almost as much Science Fiction as fantasy.(I read Sci Fi but not much Fantasy) but I am always looking for a good story with a person who has a disability as the "good guy" and heroine. and who is proud of themselves as they are (glad she is proud of her blue eyes too) please don't "cure" her by giving her legs etc. would ruin the book. Sara is who she is and proud of who she is. especially now that she knows who she is. (strange sentence but makes sense to me)
is strange though that you live a thousand miles from the ocean but seem to know Hawaii pretty well and chose to set your story there instead of the more usual southern California. bravo.
I bet someplace like Analog would be interested in this story
seem to have an understanding of people with disabilities too , either that or did your homework.
now stop reading this and get back to writing who/what is the face of death.... although I have 6 kids also but grown now, don't know how you find the time to write., lol
a person who uses a wheelchair and proud of who I am just as I am.