
          	I haven't abandoned the fanfic, I've just been a little busy with some personal stuff.
          	I'm here to simply inform you all that I'm okay and all
          	I have a few exams, once I get done with them I'll get back to writing.


I watched Suisei's Budokan concert and it is definitely the best concert she has ever done. I was so happy that I was able to watch it, I love Suisei so much! 
          (Chapter 1 for I Wanna Be Free is coming soon btw)


@DantePendragon15 there is a preview on her YT you can check out, otherwise you'll need to buy streaming tickets on zaiko


@hololiveenjoyer Dang okay thanks but I can't lol I'm already struggling with money as is


@hololiveenjoyer I didn't know it was going on,  otherwise I would've watched it. All I've been doing is working and trying to survive at the moment lmao...Ooof


Hello everyone, I had decided to put Stars From Afar on hiatus for now and decided to focus on a new Suisei fanfiction. I'm putting my better writing skills onto this new fic and making a much more original story since SFA was heavily based on multiple fics I've read before writing it. Also more effort and thought will be put into the story, I read through a bit through SFA and found it cringey and a little lazily made. After all my writing wasn't very good back then, it had improved drastically ever since. I hope you all are in support of my choice and excited for this new fic I have started.
          I started writing it and I'm hoping to finish it soon. If classes don't get in the way then I'll likely finish writing this by the end of next week. 
          I don't have a proper writing and publishing schedule, I usually just write down ideas and come up with additional ideas I can add to the story. I already have a few ideas for how I want this story to be. 
          Anyways, again, thank you for the support on SFA and I hope you all support my upcoming fic, I Want To Be Free 


@hololiveenjoyer looking forward to reading it. 


Hey everyone, I know it's been a very long time since I've last published a chapter. I've been very busy and working on myself, and finding new hobbies. I sort of lost interest in writing after doing it for so long. Though, I recently got back into writing again, and I'm hoping to return here and continue SFA for you all if things go well.
          I'm not 100% sure what I'll do with SFA, I might have to reread everything so that I could get a refresher and figure out what to do next, I also have to come up with new ideas since I've lost them previously.
          If it doesn't go well, I may as well rewrite the entire story, I'm hoping it doesn't go that way. Unless all of you would like a rework then sure, I may consider. 
          I unfortunately can't promise anything at the moment, I still have things coming up for me and it's been a little rough. 
          Anyways, thanks for sticking around, and I apologize for my absence. I hope to give you all some updates soon!


          I have returned!!! 
          I published chapter 25 of SFA which is the beginning of a new arc. I hope you all enjoy it and I'm hoping I'll be able to write the next chapter soon.
          I hope you enjoy this new chapter, and have fun reading!!!!


Hey y'all it's me, I didn't wanna do this but I'll say this now, I am burnt out right now and I don't want to force myself into finishing this story. I still have these ideas in my mind for the story but I can't get myself to write it down for you all. For now I guess this will be put more to the side for me. I'll add on to the story every once in a while or when I find interest in writing again. I'm sorry that I turned out this way but I simply can't convince myself anymore due to being completely burnt out.
          Thanks for the support and hopefully I'll see you all again soon!!


Hellooo everyone!!!
          I was really busy today so I was unfortunately not able to take some time to work on anything for the anniversary. I don't even know what to do for it to be honest. I apologize but I seriously couldn't get really creative with this one since I didn't think I'd make it to a year of writing this story, thought I would've been done with it by now. I'll try to make something special for all you though some time so give me some time to manage myself and find something interesting I can do for you all.