
@My_cosmic_romance I love u thank u


hello how about exchanging likes Chapters? 


I don't really do that kind of thing, sorry. If you want, you're welcome to check out my stories and I'll check out yours, but I'm not fond of the idea that you're liking my books because you feel obliged to and vice versa. Feel free, though!


this message may be offensive
@SleepingWithKilljoys I've been told several times people like the way I think and I just feel so apprECIATED when people say that shit like "thanks me too"
          for example:: I have band last period for school and the band room is all the way across the school and every time I'm late I just wish I could skateboard down the halls (because my school's on a bit of a hill so there's ramps in the hallways)
          yes thank you for your time❤❤