
@idontwanttobefamous it was my pleasure! 


Hey, I hope I'm not bothering you, but on my page, I'm starting to accept prayer requests. If you or anyone else reading needs a prayer or a miracle, they can type it in the comments and I'll type up, post, and say a prayer over that person. Also, I myself will put down my own requests sometimes. So if you need prayer, let me know, I'll help.


Beautiful bio, first off(: 
          Secondly, I'm going through people who seem to like poetry to try to find those who might appreciate my book, The Things I Leave Unsaid. It has some things you might relate to and I'd be thrilled if you choose to check it out c: 
          I'm Christian and I'm (brace yourself for a weird label of sexuality) panromantic demisexual. It's not so bad. Only devout born again Christians and Catholics are typically judgemental and disapproving of being gay. Most younger generations of people too are a lot more accepting. You're gonna be okay, and I'll keep you in my prayers xx


@101oBsEsSioNs  Thank you! It's great to see another Christian who isn't disgusted by me. Hope you're okay too wherever you are.