gone as in, i am noT coming back here

i needed closure from this place as it brings back dark, dark memories and ID ONT NEED ANY OF THAT

no more of this 'i'll come back once in a while shit' im done w that. we had a good run here, and i'll miss all 244 of you, some more than others (no shame), and making fun of some y/n fanfics will always have a deep place in my heart

but im so fucking DONE with this iskjdfksdfk im living life now and this is just tbh a burden on it.

as for deleting my acc, prob not gonna happen but i may come back at like 3am on crack to do it, but i'll leave this message here for a good while

Important hotlines
Suicide: 1-800-784-2433 1-800-273-8255
Runaway: 800-621-4000
Rape/Sexual Assault: 800-656-HOPE
Self-Abuse: 800-366-8288
STDs: 800-342-2437
Alcohol: 888-425-2666
Marijuana: 800-766-6779
Crack/Cocaine: 800-COCAINE
Smoking: 800-662-8887
Sexuality: 800-246-7743
Domestic Violence: 866-331-9474 800-422-4453
Discrimination: 800-649-0404
Eating Disorders: 847-831-3438

momther = @Holy_water_squirtgun
( I'm not saying you should follow them, but i am actually doing that go follow them)

i love u all :')

stay safe and WASH YOUR DAMN HANDS
  • Fuck i forgot
  • انضمMarch 4, 2018