This message is all for those who have read my work 'Not the Only One' and as you may notice, it is no longer a published work here in my account. I have decided to take down my work as I have no promises that I would be able to ever finish the story. Several years have passed since I started posting my work and many events in my life have stopped me from continuing the story. I apologize for being unable to finish the story of Shaira and Caden but I am very grateful to all of you who have shown appreciation for my work.
I have plans of republishing 'Not the Only One' here again in the future, but I will only do so after editing and finishing the whole story (if I am able to). Thank you so much for your understanding. I am looking forward to becoming active here on Wattpad again and start posting once again.
Again, thank you so much for all the support you have given me.