
Do you wish to work with the private security industry? Then enroll yourself for the SIA #CCTV #Training #Course at Hurak. They provide industry level exposure and certification upon completion. Visit the website for more details.


If an employer has identified that #first-aiders are needed in their workplace, they must ensure that those identified to be first aiders undertake training appropriate to the need. This #course provides comprehensive set of practical skills needed to become a confident first aider at work, giving you both the ability and knowledge to deal with first aid emergencies.


The Level 2 #Security #Guarding #course is an accredited qualification which has been developed to meet the requirements of the Security Industry Authority (SIA). It is based on the relevant SIA Specifications for Learning and Qualifications and provides the necessary skills and knowledge for those who wish to apply for an SIA licence and work as a Security Guard.