
Omg u guys are writing/wrote so many nice comments on my face reveal!! Someone even said that I’m Heather :))))!!! I love u guys so much!


So I’ve been reading the comments from my face reveal and you guys are so sweet:)!!! I also realized that some people were comparing themselves to me, please don’t do that. Trust me, you’re very beautiful no matter how many flaws you may have. As long as you’re a caring and genuine person you represent the definition of beautiful!


Hey guys, I’m super super sorry for not updating any of my stories! Summer started for me like 2 days ago and I’ve been hanging out with my friends a lot recently. I’ll try to update my stories today because I love all the funny, sweet, and loving comments you guys leave for me! I’m currently trying to put my baby cousin to sleep and let me tell you..... this is taking a while! I hope everyone is staying safe and having fun, enjoy your day guys! OMG HE JUST FELL ASLEEP! I guess I can update now!