-EXID ; RAPPER ; 1991

❝I keep it classy but I'll slap a bitch if I have to.❞

ㅡ Ahn HyoJin / LE/Elly
ㅡ Your mf bias
ㅡ 168cm

¥ Stan me and your life will get 100x better.

£ I made your bitch gay for me just by the sound of my voice £

°I made your man hard just by waving my hips at him°

◇Jaewon ◇Hani ◇ Gray ◇Jieun◇Zico

I'm your mami HA

[ LE roleplay ]
  • Getting $$$
  • انضمApril 25, 2017

الرسالة الأخيرة
hyojinseason hyojinseason Jul 11, 2017 05:49AM
I have a secret /coughs/ guess what? /whisphers/ I LOVE ME HAHAHHA /yells/
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصة بقلم In this bitch.
QLTB بقلم hyojinseason
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