@LenaDuchannes666RAWR .3. Yush. I did wear a bra in public. :U It was sexy!
@BOTDFxxx c: Thank chu for the lollipop.
@CagedBirdSings I do that all the time. :\ It does NOT tickle.
@HeroToZero awww I'm sorry. :( You make me wanna go biseksy for you.
@ZombieKevinLeTMNT7 Good! I love making people laugh!
@c0ma_white You are so adorable. <33 xD
@ameliablue Heh. :P Yes. I really did get hit by a car, which is why I'm so freaking psycho. loljk. But yeah, I did get hit by a car, and the driver really did scream out 'ten points'. He was just a stupid arsehole of a teenager, though, so it's all good P: