Co-owned by Charlie and Echo! 
Writer - Charlie Editor - Echo
Obsessed with Flash, Arrow, OUAT, Jurassic Park (Velociraptors), Marvel, and some other stuff. ;D

Just a bunch of fangirls who don't know what their doing.
  • Isla Nublar -- Raptor Paddock
  • IscrittoApril 18, 2016

Storie di Charlie and Echo
New Beginnings (Flash X OC)  •  [1] di i_dont_wike_it
New Beginnings (Flash X OC) • [1]
Lexi Grant has decided that it is best for her if she quits Team Arrow and starts a normal life in Central Ci...
Moving too Fast di i_dont_wike_it
Moving too Fast
When Tony Stark discovers a young girl who has been experimented on her whole life, he takes her in. Despite...
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