
BLACKBIRD UPDATES ARE NOW MONDAYS! Update time! Thanks you guys so much for waiting for my lazy ass.


I'm so sorry guys, I don't think i can get Chapter 7 of Blackbird up tonight, but I'll shoot for nest Wednesday and try to actually post every Wednesday so you guys know when you get a new chapter. Again, terribly sorry.
          Thanks for being patient! x


          My computer is being crappy and my Wattpad keeps crashing so I don't have enough time to write, and with the mobile version, there's this glitch where if I edit a story on there, that story gets deleted.
          Again, I'm so sorry for not updating, but I'm trying to get my computer working again.
          Thanks! x


I do apologize, because there is a possibility of me not posting for a while. There is a massive storm coming through my town that is about to turn bad really fast and might knock out our power...for several days. This is all just a possibility, but I felt I needed to warn you guys. Please don't be angry at me for possibly not posting when I have no power and no wifi. Again, it is only a possibility.
          Thanks! x (Also apologies)


So, because my writing is all over the place, I've made a schedule for myself so I can write for you guys periodically instead of waiting months for an update. One chapter will be posted a day for one book. My schedule follows:
          Monday: Splendid Beauty Trilogy
          Tuesday: The Variable
          Wednesday: Blackbird
          Thursday: A Tale of Time Trilogy
          Friday: Two Lone Wolves
          Saturday: A Silver Moon
          Sunday: Free day, not write at all or for a book of my choice.
          Thanks! x