
@iSammy Oh God, I look back at that story and saw how immature it was Dx ive been thinking about doing a revived one (where she's not 13 cuz I'm older now xD) and now that I'm a more experienced writer it seems possible. But im trying to focus on my "Ugly Green Jacket" story. Only a few people have read, which is soooo small in comparison to Assassin at 13 o.o...why is this? I have no idea. AND WHY ARE YOU GETTING MAD AT ME? D: LAST TIME I CHECK YOU DIDNT FINISH YOUR ASSASSIN STORY!


@iSammy Oh God, I look back at that story and saw how immature it was Dx ive been thinking about doing a revived one (where she's not 13 cuz I'm older now xD) and now that I'm a more experienced writer it seems possible. But im trying to focus on my "Ugly Green Jacket" story. Only a few people have read, which is soooo small in comparison to Assassin at 13 o.o...why is this? I have no idea. AND WHY ARE YOU GETTING MAD AT ME? D: LAST TIME I CHECK YOU DIDNT FINISH YOUR ASSASSIN STORY!


Posted a new story I've been thinking about doing for a while now, "The Ugly Green Jacket" Read it! I promise you won't regret it because this writing I can do now is MUCH improved from "Assassin (at 13)" Trust me. Just read it and you can bet your bottom dollar you'll love it! >;D


          *struts out of hiding all cool like* 
          Sup everyone x] its me Dawn, just wanted to say that im here and i always have been and i havent updated at all 8D WHOO! But i am sorry (not really)
          So i came to a decision that i wont be posting any new stories at all until ive been confirmed theyre mine (cuz story-stealers are bxtches...)
          If your drooling right now and thinking "Oh my god why...WHY am i wasting my time reading this email, GET TO THE POINT!"
          Heh, so all im really saying is that if you're one of those fans who thinks ive left and am never updating again and going on like "She left? FOREVER?"
          Ha NO, i come on wattpad everyday to be honest, just never felt the motivation to update on anything, but oh well. As soon as my work is typed up and ill update. 
 done >;D