


Oh such little intelligence some people have. Calling people stupid, desperate, pathetic, mentally ill, and bothersome will get you nowhere in life dearies.  The only one who needs to check into a mental hospital is an ignorant person like you. Have fun making enemies. You're really good at it. 


@xPuckyy uuuuh....yeah. Yeah it is. That'd  be my mouth and nose, I got bored and I love vampires so.....blood red lips and fake blood dripping from the corner of my mouth. 


@IllieKage I need to see a whole picture of you... (I think we're secretly twins, same things we love and same nose)
            I KNOW IM WEIRD AS F


this message may be offensive
Okay so a lot of times when I write something I do it from the point of view of a character. I know a lot of people (like my mom) will say "people write from experience. They write what they know" but like....I can write from a character's point of view without having ever experienced what they have or been in the situations they are in. I actually prefer to do that because I think it's fun sooooo.....that's what this is all about. Imma write a bunch of shit in CPOV.


I got rid of the daily posting book because I couldn't keep up with it and then I got grounded. Sooooo.....after missing like two weeks and then having writers block I just gave up on it. I did however just post a short story/ skit that I did with my sister soooo.....please enjoy that. XD 
          ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Paz y amor mis amores~~! Kage


I have just been told by my friend who has been reading my stories that the book that I said I was posting was not showing up. I haven't been active in a few days because of school and tests and club meetings so I was unaware that it had not been posted. And honestly I'm beyond angry about this. It appears that my book was deleted by my little cousin who I allowed to play with my phone. I now have to rewrite the character intro, the summary, and the first and second chapters! So for now while I am working on that I will also be posting a book where I will write about my everyday life. Please check it out! And hopefully I will also update "The Way I Choose To Love You" soon. I've had some writers block with that one but I'm trying to get over it. 
          <3 Illie 


I'm still in school so it takes me forever to write my stories with all of my homework and whatnot, but I will try to post my new story as soon as possible. As soon as I post it it will include a buch of characters and their character information and hopefully an actual first chapter if I can get a good amout written by Monday/Tuesday. I'm currently sick and not wearing my glasses because they always give me headaches when I'm sick. (I FEEL SO NAKED WITHOUT THEM!) idk why I included the glasses thing but anyway I HOPE to have it posted by Monday, but I may not......cuz I'm sick...*cries and sobs heavily* T-T


Aloha~~! I am going to be posting a new story. I have 3 books already, but I'm not sure if anyone has read them. Anyway I don't expect you to read any of those. They may not interest you and I'm aware of that, however....this book that I will be posting in the near future I would love if you at least checked it out! I'm extremely excited for this book and I'm looking forward to writing it and reading your comments and I want to get to questions that you may ask and more than anything I WANT YOUR OPINION!!! OH! And I want people to give me ideas for characters.....or names you like because it might be included!