
this message may be offensive
Man it'd sure be nice if my friends fucking liked me


this message may be offensive
I don't like literally any of my published stories. But since Wattpad is significantly shittier than it was when I posted them, I'm going to edit them 
          Not re-writing because I can't be fucked but I'll be combining parts to greatly reduce the amount of between chapter ads you see if you for some reason did want to read any of them


this message may be offensive
I fucking hate it when I'm genuinely in a good mood and genuinely having fun and someone just takes me pretty much having the personality I do as being hostile or mean 
          I just said "what did you say? No one can hear you" but apparently thats evidence I'm replying to everything someone says with hostility 
          Maybe it's just because I'm close to my period but I fucking hate it especially when it makes me remember when I was younger and hated myself because even when I wasn't angry or trying to be mean people would think I was and it made me feel like just having my personality made me a bad person


Massive trigger warning for
          The f slur but replace the f with an m because I cannot bring myself to type the word
          Animals in pain 
          Extremely disgusting and disturbing content 
          Mention of vom!t 
          Please if you think of any other warnings tell me so I can delete this and repost it with them 
          I know I never post on here but I genuinely have a very serious problem with Instagram. I'm not one to be traumatized by anything online but I 
          I opened Instagram because I wanted to show my friend Charley a light up Xbox controller I found in my basement bc I forgot how cool it looked and I was really excited 
          And, I want to be clear. I never openly say my age. But I am 16. 
          There is not a world where I should open Instagram and see a video of someone pushing (f slur with an m instead of an f)'s out of a kittens cheek because Instagram doesn't know how to actually use disturbing content warnings 
          I have five cats and have been terrified of of a lot of bug related stuff for as long as I can remember. It's been getting better the last few years but I 
          I want to vom!t until I die I have never been this sickened by anything In my life
          I'm not proofreading this