
So i'm starting a new book but it wont be published rn but it will be once ive got at least 20 chapters its going to be called "my public journal" it will also be on my tumblr possibly so go check out my tumblr "uncreativelyme"


Happy Easter if you celebrate Easter either way happy living day. I hope everyone has a good day because bad days suck and we should stop having them as often because I have a lot of bad days and I don't want them any more and now im ranting so yeah that's it


Okay everyone or  people in general of the online community...okay let me stop being awkward.
          So iv'e updated all my books and added a new one so im going to start writing some drafts and then just update them on the weekends from now on and im getting kind of bored doing preferences for the same people over again so I think im going to focus on my other books and update my preference books once a week instead of two like the others.


i just started its probably crappy already


y'all make sure if you like my books to follow me and vote on them so I know whether or not to continue them


Hey everyone im back I know I haven't been active recently but I will be trying to post once or every other day on either of my books so I hope you enjoy them make sure to vote,comment and follow me I promise to respond to you and im in the process of starting another book about the Dolan twins.


im going to be posting daily for the first week so enjoy